At this time there are two types of user accounts:
- Customer
- Allows the user to interact with the Operators.
- Operator
- Allows posting in the Operator’s directory.
There are no one-time fees or subscriptions to register on this site, nor do we sell your contact information to third parties. Registering on this site is straightforward and risk-free.
For the security of your user account and this site, please choose a password that is at least twelve characters long and includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and a symbol (ex: !@#$%^&). To help you generate a good password use acronyms, nUmb3r5 in place of letters, and never use real words.
An activation link will be sent to the email address you use when registering your user account, you must use that link to activate and access your user account. Please check your ‘junk’ or ‘other’ folder if you do not find it in your inbox.